Innovation is one of the levers of our strategic planning and our value generation. Since 2020, we have invested approximately R$51 million in innovation projects.
Our strategy is based on implementing innovations to ensure business growth, increase operational excellence in energy transmission and create opportunities for new sources of revenue and higher profitability.
The materialization of our strategy involves the investment thesis in our different portfolios and areas of opportunity. Check out:
Click on the squares below to learn more about ISA CTEEP's projects.

Digital Substation
The inauguration of the Digital Substation, in Lorena (SP), the first of the National Interconnected System (SIN), represents a milestone in the energy sector towards the Substation 4.0 concept.
The project involves the deployment of digital systems using technologies such as big data and fiber optic connections, which provide higher availability and efficiency in the provision of services, improved reliability and data collection for decision making.
The substation has a bank of autotransformers with 1,200 MVA installed capacity, capable of supplying two cities the size of São José dos Campos (SP). The project, which employed more than 200 professionals during the construction work, is expected to double the energy supply to Vale do Paraíba region, which has a redundant system.
Battery energy storage
At the forefront of contributions to the future of the electricity sector, we obtained approval from ANEEL for the first large-scale energy storage project in batteries in the Brazilian transmission system. The innovation was implemented in record time, and is installed at the Registro Substation (SP), also operated by the company, and one of those responsible for serving the south coast of São Paulo. The project occupies an area of approximately 5,000 m², equivalent to half a football field. In all, there are 180 racks of lithium batteries, which were produced in China and use the most modern technology currently available on the market.
The battery systems have 30 MW of power, are capable of delivering 60 MWh of energy for two hours and will act at peak consumption times on the South Coast of São Paulo, during the summer, as a reinforcement to the electrical grid, ensuring additional supply. In practice, this means that the technology will avoid interruptions in energy supply due to excessive demand during this period and, therefore, will bring more security and reliability in providing services to society. It is estimated that around two million people will be directly benefited. In addition to batteries, the scope of the project also includes inverters, transformers, energy management software and automation, protection and control systems.

It enables to offset the intermittency of renewable sources.

It contributes to reducing operating costs and expanding the system, as it allows postponing the construction of large projects.

In addition, it increases the integration of economical energy sources.

It can be reused in other parts of the country that need reinforcement in the electrical system.
Drones: technology fostering safety and reliability
In 2021, in a partnership with Drone Power and as a first mover in Brazil, we developed a drone that incinerates objects that fall into transmission lines, potentially affecting the energy supply to society, such as balloons and kites. The technology was approved in the year by the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC), and contributes to reducing more than 80% of the time for the removal of objects.
We also intensified the use of drones in other applications. During the inspection work of the right-of-way, for example, the technology significantly increases the accuracy on the need for pruning trees close to transmission lines, as it allows an exact picture of high vegetation interference on assets, which can cause shutdown of the lines.
We also have a Digital Image Analysis Center (CAID), a new concept and architecture for the digitalization of aerial inspection activities of assets performed by drones, which, in addition to increasing safety, by avoiding the climbing of technical teams in towers, provides efficiency gains.
Substation 4.0

In addition to advancing in the digitization of substations, ISA CTEEP is working on the concept of Substation 4.0, through ANEEL’s Research & Development (R&D) Program. The project provides for the development of requirements and performance studies for a protection, control, automation and monitoring system towards the development of a concept for substation of the future with the implementation of a pilot test platform at Jaguariúna substation (SP).
R&D forecasts an investment of more than R$ 10 million and the start of assembling panels and architecture development is expected to take place later this year. The project is being developed in partnership with the Protection and Automation Laboratory of the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (LPROT – USP), LSI Tec, ABB Eletrificação and Hitachi ABB.
Artificial Intelligence in the Operations Center increases reliability
In the operation center, we developed an Artificial Intelligence project that includes the treatment of alarms to support the identification of anomalies in our system, which provides improved security and agility in maneuvers to control assets. In addition, it promotes higher reliability, productivity and auditability in the execution of coordinated maneuvers between the Transmission Operation Center (COT) and the facilities.
We also have a remote assistance project in the operation, which aims to provide the substations with supplementary technological resources, such as video monitoring, to increase the operation reliability via Operation Center, in addition to mitigating the need to travel to these substations.

ZACCX - Communication system between maneuvers and operation
The technology replaces phone contact between the operation centers for the coordination of maneuvers in the field.
With this initiative, ISA CTEEP was able to reduce around 20 telephone calls and 41% in the execution time of each maneuver. The potential gain for the Company is estimated at R$ 1.4 million per year, with a focus on operational efficiency in the coordination of maneuvers.

Open innovation program
At ISA CTEEP, we developed the open innovation program, whereby our innovation agents act as protagonists to identify opportunities in the innovation ecosystem and submit solutions to strengthen the generation of sustainable value.