ISA CTEEP is Brazil’s leading private electricity transmission company. Through its operations and those of its subsidiaries and affiliate companies, the Company operates in 18 Brazilian states (Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Rondônia, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Goiás, Tocantins, Maranhão, Piauí, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Espírito Santo and Bahia) and is responsible for approximately 30% of all the electricity transmitted through the National Interconnected System (SIN). The coordination and control of the operations of the Company’s installations and the entire electricity generation and transmission infrastructure in the SIN are the responsibility of the National Electricity System Operator (“ONS”), subject to the inspection and regulations of the National Electricity Agency (“ANEEL”).

Including its own assets, subsidiaries and affiliate companies, the Company has 1,600 employees and an infrastructure with installed transformation capacity of 85,000 MVA, consisting of approximately 23,000 km of transmission lines, 32,000 km of circuits and 140 substations, 137 of which are own substations.

The Company’s shares are listed on Level 1 of B3 S.A. and traded under the tickers TRPL3 and TRPL4. The Company has been adopting B3’s Level 1 special Corporate Governance practices since September 2002, whose commitments include greater transparency in dealings with the market, investors and shareholders, facilitating the monitoring of management’s actions.

The Company is currently a component of the following indexes: Ibovespa Index (IBOV), Brazil Broad-Based Index (IBrA), Dividend Index (IDIV), Electric Utilities Index (IEE), Special Corporate Governance Equity Index (IGC), Corporate Governance Trade Index (IGCT), MidLargeCap Index (MLCX), Public Utilities Index (UTIL), Brazil 100 Index (IBrX100), Dividend Index (IBSD B3), partnertship with Nuinvest, Carbon Efficient Index (ICO2) and Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE).

Committed to the development of the country’s energy infrastructure, the Company constantly invests in the maintenance and modernization of its network, directly contributing to the expansion of the national transmission system. Since 2016, the Company has won 19 lots in transmission auctions conducted by ANEEL.

Map - Leader in Energy Transmission

¹ Permitted Anual Revenue (RAP) cycle 2023/2024, ponderated through ISA CTEEP’s interest.
² Considers Project information (100%).

Updated on July 31, 2024.