The good practices adopted by ISA CTEEP over the years have resulted in its recognition by the market in different ways.

The Company had an outstanding performance in the following segments:


  • FINCON Awards 2024, ISA CTEEP won first place in the Electric Energy category, standing out for its excellence in financial communication.
    ISA CTEEP stood out in the following pillars:
    • Channels: Effective digital strategy with an active presence on LinkedIn and an SEO-optimized Investor Relations website.
    • Compliance: Strong commitment to transparency and regulatory compliance, keeping the website updated and without fines in the first half of 2024.
    • Communication: Effective communication practices with stakeholders, offering useful tools on the Investor Relations website and high-quality graphic materials.
    The FINCON Awards, which is the first award dedicated exclusively to financial communication in Brazil, values the importance of effective communication to strengthen the relationship between companies and stakeholders. The award celebrates the ability of well-structured communication to consolidate a company's trust and reputation in the market.


  • ISA CTEEP is one of the 150 organizations that stand out in their innovation practices, nominated by the eighth edition of 2022 Brazil Valor Innovation Award, organized by Valor Econômico newspaper, in partnership with Strategy& consulting.
    The ranking methodology is based on five pillars of the innovation chain: the intention to innovate; the effort to carry out innovation; results obtained; market assessment and knowledge generation.
    Based on a model developed specifically for Brazilian context and on qualitative and quantitative indicators, the research points out the companies adopting the best innovation management, their investments in local market and results achieved.


  • Valor 1000
    The Company, for the third consecutive year, integrated Valor 1000 in the Electric Energy sector, a yearbook published by Valor Econômico newspaper, which includes the largest companies in the country, divided into 25 sectors of the economy.
  • Transparency Trophy
    ISA CTEEP won, for the third consecutive year, the “Transparency Trophy” in the category of companies with net revenue up to R $ 8 billion. The Transparency Trophy is a recognized label among large companies and represents ISA CTEEP's constant search for communicating to our audiences, with maximum clarity and comprehensiveness, our enocomic and accounting performance. The initiative is organized by the National Association of Finance, Administration and Accounting Executives (ANEFAC), in partnership with the Foundation for Accounting, Actuarial and Financial Research (FIPECAFI).
  • Asset Management Award
    The Company won the National Asset Management Award, promoted by the Asset Management Meeting for Companies in the Electricity Sector (EGAESE), in the Regulatory Impact category.


  • Medalha Eloy Chaves
    ISA CTEEP received the award, organized by Associação Brasileira de Companhias de Energia Elétrica (ABCE) and which highlights the Company's Occupational Safety management, for its performance in this theme for the years 2017 and 2018. The award is offered to organizations that invest the most and are concerned with the safety and health of their employees.
  • Companies That Best Communicates With Journalists
    The Company was elected one of the companies that best communicates with journalists. The selection of the winning companies is the result of the free and direct vote of journalists from all over Brazil, in a survey conducted by the Communication Studies Center (Cecom) and by Negócios da Comunicação magazine. The Company was chosen one of the top three in the energy sector, according to a consultation with 25,000 journalists from all over the country.
  • Transparency Trophy
    ISA CTEEP won, for the second consecutive year, the “Transparency Trophy” in the category of companies with net revenues up to R$ 5 billion. The initiative is organized by Associação Nacional dos Executivos de Finanças, Administração e Contabilidade (ANEFAC), in partnership with Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Contábeis, Atuariais e Financeiras (Fipecafi) and Serasa Experian.
  • Valor 1000 
    ISA CTEEP won the Valor 1000 Award in the Electric Energy sector. The yearbook, which is an initiative of the Valor Econômico newspaper, recognizes the best companies in the country in 25 sectors, based on criteria such as sustainable growth, net revenue, value creation, profitability, activity margin, liquidity and active turnover. Reference to the market, the ranking is prepared by the newspaper in partnership with FGV and Serasa Experian.
  • Melhores Empresas para Trabalhar - GPTW
    For the fourth year in a row, ISA CTEEP is among the best companies to work for, according to the Great Place to Work (GPTW) ranking. The award is held in more than 50 countries on six continents and evaluates corporations on five principles: pride, respect, credibility, organizational climate and best practices in Human Resources. The Company was among the top 50 in the ranking.
  • Top 50 Open Corps
    ISA CTEEP was recognized as one of the five companies most engaged with the innovation ecosystem by the Top 50 Open Corps ranking. The company was ranked 4th overall, connecting with over 100 startups. The recognition is part of a study conducted since 2016 by 100 open Startups and only considers companies with more than 100 employees or revenues exceeding R$ 100 million in 2019.


  • ISA CTEEP won the award of most engaged company with startups during the Open Innovation Week 2018. Open Innovation Week is an event that connects people, institutions and communities around the debate and practice of open innovation in Brazil and around the world. In the last edition, more than 250 startups from Brazil and abroad participated, in addition to more than 100 big companies.
  • For the third consecutive year, the Company was considered one of the best companies to work for, according to Great Place to Work (GPTW) ranking. ISA CTEEP is among the 80 large national and multinational companies (companies with more than 1,000 employees).
  • The company won the "Transparency 2018 Trophy", an initiative organized by the Associação Nacional dos Executivos de Finanças, Administração e Contabilidade (ANEFAC), in partnership with the Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Contábeis, Atuariais e Financeiras (Fipecafi) and Serasa Experian.

    The award highlights the organizations that present their accounting information with excellence and ISA CTEEP was awarded in the category of companies with net revenue up to R$ 5 billion.
  • ISA CTEEP was recognized with the 2nd place in the Top 50 Open Corps, ranking that highlights the Brazilian companies most engaged with startups, organized by 100 Open Startups, platform of connection of startups and big companies.


  • For the second consecutive year, ISA CTEEP is included in the list of companies that stand out with the best corporate environment in Brazil, in the category Large Companies, according to a survey conducted by Great Place to Work (GPTW). The award, conducted annually in more than 50 countries, recognized the company among the 150 best corporations to work with.

  • ISA CTEEP was elected Brazil´s best energy company, in the "Best and Largest 2017", award organized by Exame magazine. The award recognizes companies with differentiated strategies and excellent results in 2016, on 20 different sectors of the economy.

  • ISA CTEEP stood out for the second consecutive year among the 10 best companies in the APIMEC evaluation. This recognition, achieved in 2017, is based on the results of the evaluation conducted in 2016.


  • The work "Human Factors in Operational Safety of ISA CTEEP" was awarded as one of the five best presentations of the fourteenth edition of the Meeting for Debates of Operations Issues (EDAO), one of the main events of the sector.

  • For the second consecutive year,  ISA CTEEP was one of the winners of the Brazilian Association of Publicly-held Companies (ABRASCA) Award, which highlights the best Annual and Sustainability Reports. The company won in the category of publicly traded company with net revenue below R$ 3 billion. The award takes into consideration an analysis of information about socio-environmental aspects; investments; risk management; corporate governance; operational and financial indicators; among others.

  • ISA CTEEP has figured in "Época Negócios 360º", a ranking that lists the best organizations in various sectors, published by the business magazine "Época Negócios". The top 300 companies among a number of large companies were listed, according to six criteria: financial performance, corporate governance, capacity for innovation, forward thinking, HR practices and environmental responsibility. ISA CTEEP was in position number 54. In the sector ranking energy yearbook, ISA CTEEP was fourth and within this segment, stood out in the dimensions "Financial Performance" (3rd place) and "HR Practices" (5th place).
  • The Company was named one of the "Best Workplaces" in the ranking compiled by the Great Place to Work (GPTW), an international institute that promotes organizational surveys in 53 countries. The company ranked among the top 150 organizations.
  • ISA CTEEP stood out as one of the 10 best companies in the APIMEC evaluation. This recognition, achieved in 2016, is based on the results of the evaluation carried out in 2015.
  • ISA CTEEP was in seventh place among the 20 companies with the best reputation of the São Paulo Stock Exchange (Bovespa).


  • Abrasca Award for Best Annual Report in the category publicly-held companies with a turnover of up to R$ 3 billion, acknowledging and encouraging innovation of reports with transparency, quality and relevant information in layout and graphic design.
  • Anuário Época Negócios 360°, 47th place in the ranking of the top 250 organizations in various sectors, highlighting the Capacity to Innovate (5th place) and HR Practices (4th place).
  • First company of the electric sector to obtain Quality Assessment international certification granted by Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) as acknowledgment of quality of organizations' internal audit areas.
  • Brazil Solar Innovation and Technology Award for the research and development (R&D) project called "Development of skills and evaluation of technical and commercial arrangements in distributed generation with photovoltaic systems connected to the power grid. The award is an initiative between FRG Mídia Brasil, EnerSolar+Brasil – International Fair of Technologies for Solar Energy, RBS Magazine (Brazilian Solar Energy Review), the Brazilian Association of Alternative Energy and the Environment (ABEAMA), and Fiera Milano, organizer of the events.
  • Award for the best works in one of the most important events in the energy sector, the SNPTEE (National Seminar on Production and Transmission of Electric Power), with the article "Integrating Information Systems in the Energy Sector Through Sensitivity to Context", held in partnership with the Federal University of Pernambuco and the company In Forma. ISA CTEEP won the 2nd place in the Study Group of Information and Telecommunication Systems for Electric Systems of the event.


  • Renowned a one the of the best companies for the second year in a row, ISA CTEEP was among the top three in the "2013 Best Places to Intern" award, sponsored by the Company-School Integration Center (CIEE), the Brazilian Association of Human Resources, São Paulo Chapter (ABRH-SP), and Toledo & Associados market research firm.
  • Considered one of the 50 Well-Intentioned Companies in the annual survey of the Magazine Isto É Dinheiro, with the selection of initiatives and projects that combine environmental, economic and social sustainability. ISA CTEEP was renowned in the Education category with the "Cultural Circuit" Project, promoting cultural inclusion and encouraging self-transformation of communities through art, including residents of six cities in São Paulo and around 2,400 young people from 60 public schools, near the company's transmission lines.


  • Winner of the 2nd place in the "Best Place to Intern 2012", sponsored by the Company-School Integration Center (CIEE), Toledo & Associados market research firm, and the Brazilian Association of Human Resources, São Paulo Chapter (ABRH-SP).


  • Thanks to its Internship Program, the Company was among the 50 Best Companies for Interns in the ranking prepared by the Business-School Integration Center (CIEE) in partnership with Ibope Intelligence and the Brazilian Association of Human Resources (ABRH).


  • Ranked among the 50 Best Companies for Interns in the award of the Business-School Integration Center (CIEE) in partnership with Ibope Intelligence and the Brazilian Association of Human Resources (ABRH). The title is a recognition of the initiatives of the ISA CTEEP Internship Program.


  • Awarded the 2nd place in the 100 most innovative companies in IT in the category Sector of Utility Services.
  • Winner of the Award for Outstanding Achievement in Value Creation as a company with the best model for the creation of value for shareholders by the Brazilian Association of Listed Companies (ABRASCA).


  • For the third consecutive year, awarded with the Sustainable Company Award offered by the Industrial Environment Journal, with special recognition on environmental management practices.
  • Winner of the Quality award of the Association of Capital Market Investment Analysts and Professionals (Apimec/SP) for presenting the best results in the year.


  • Awarded for the second consecutive time as a Sustainable Company by the Industrial Environment Journal.


  • Sustainable Company Award granted by the by the Industrial Environment Journal, with special recognition on environmental management practices.

Updated on August 30, 2024.